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Values Defined/Characteristics
- Importance of human relationships and relationship to environment
- Respect for individualism and diversity
- Acknowledgement of the whole
- Value of lifelong learning
- Sustainability
- Technology means to deliver above
- Everyone is a potential leader
- Influencing tangible change (now) through the action of others
- Action has to be congruent with values
- Leader needs global and local understanding
- Need suggestions and solutions for actions
Shared Values
- Development of shared values made explicit. Forum for public debate and evaluation over time. Form code of direction for leaders.
- Outcomes from value based decisions and actions to be measured against these values with modification if needed.
- Values promotion and discussion at school.
Shared Vision
- Develop ownership of public institutions to all Australian citizens in form of those targeting key growth areas to enhance economic growth e.g. education, health, environment and technology.
- Put Aboriginal culture on primary school curriculum.
- Involve industry in think tanks based on 2121 based on initial explicit shared values developed and supported by society.
- As per systems - people taking responsibility for the future of the world.
- Method: Leadership to establish flexible education systems that ensure lifelong learning that provide value for the global community through responsible individual contribution including leadership attitudes and skills.
- Leaders selected for positions based on "competence" not influence or political affiliation.
Leadership 2121 - Influencing change Australia
Shared value congruence - everyone is a potential leader and leadership happens at many levels
Shared Values: relationships, respect, holism, learning, sustainability