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Our cities and homes
- What: Intellectual/ Emotional / Physical village/ Belonging/ Constructed "Families"
- Workplace/ cities/ Homes- Virtual (Knowledge systems)
- Personal service systems - physical
- Define ecosystem for sustainability & effectiveness
- Bio-food production / process for sustainability
- Harvest rain water
- Vertical/ not horizontal mega cities
- Macro city & micro village harmony within mega city
Living in an "artificial" universe
- Likelihood of living in a "designed" universe
- Need to develop wisdom to "design"
- Education - Learning Process - How to develop "spiritual' wisdom/ Environmental responsiveness
- Resources may not be finite eg. our brains might "be" to handle higher levels of complexity.
Ecologically Sustainable
- Productivity of renewable resources - growth in demand
- "Water" new Gold standard
Politically Participative - Pathway
- Process is "Principle of Requisite Variety"
- These issues require a "Global" management. Approach/ teams that include all stakeholder impacts.
- not ruled by the uninformed/ media manipulated -issue of information technology.
- Values which support "belonging" with responsibility for self/ & shared responsibility.
Culturally Vibrant
- Arts/ Music/ Arts high demand
- Culture: behaviour ideas system of behaviours/ ideas expressed through variety of forms
- Communication/ Access
- Notion of being in tune/ harmony or expression of physical/ values